RWM18 Featured Eddy Current Separator Sold

By Paul Fears | 24 September 2018

On Friday 21st September 2018, one of the many visitors to our Bunting and Master Magnets stand at the RWM18 exhibition placed an order for the displayed Eddy Current Separator.  The order was confirmed just 8 days after the close of RWM18.  Along with the Eddy Current Separator, the customer also ordered a high strength Rare Earth Drum Magnet.

ECS display at CARS

The Eddy Current Separator on display at the CARS exhibition earlier in 2018

“To secure an order of this size so quickly after the show is fantastic,” said Jonathan Millington, Master Magnets Marketing Manager.  “It is a testimony to the success of this year’s show.”

The complete Metal Separation Module will be used to process a wide range of stockpiled waste materials by a specialist recycling company based in the UK.  The versatile design of the Eddy Current Separator proved to be vitally important for the customer.  Due to the variable nature of the feed, it was important to easily adjust the splitter and the belt speed.  These can be easily tuned to achieve maximum metal recovery.

The Eddy Current Separator Specification

The Eddy Current Separator comprises of two pulleys and a conveyor.  Inside the non-magnetic shell of the head pulley is an eccentrically located magnetic rotor positioned.  The magnetic rotor is 190mm in diameter and has 12 poles.  The rotor is positioned inside the outer drum, towards the discharge point of the material flow, allowing the concentrated magnetic force to separate metals as they leave the belt conveyor.

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The principle of operation focuses on the generation of ‘eddy currents’ in non-ferrous metal particles.  The magnetic rotor revolves at around 3000 revolutions per minute whilst the outer drum cover rotates at the speed of the Eddy Current Separator’s belt conveyor.  As the rotor spins at these high speeds, an electric current or ‘eddy current’ is induced into conducting metals. The induced electric current produces a magnetic field, which opposes the field of the rotor, repelling the conducting metals over a pre-positioned splitter plate. The remaining materials such as plastics, glass and other dry recyclables will simply free-fall over the rotor, separating them from the repelled metals.

The Eddy Current Separator demonstrated at the RWM18 exhibition had a 500mm wide conveyor fed by a Vibratory Feeder.  The high strength Rare Earth Drum Magnet, positioned prior to the Eddy Current Separator, removes any ferrous metal.

“This year’s RWM18 has surpassed all expectations and we are already in the final stages of agreeing other orders for Eddy Current Separators and Overband Magnets,” said Jonathan.  “Our laboratory is also booked for at least one month just for tests on the new Stainless Steel Separator.”

For further information on metal recovery please contact us on:


Via the website

Telephone:  +44 (0) 1527 65858

All photographs and video taken by Paul Fears Photography

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